Your pools and beaches are safely accessible.

Transat opening on your beaches thanks to elloha to manage beach accesses by reservation accessible in full safetyBoy playing with a kite
Swimming pools and beaches need to manage "regulated" use.
Delimited, accessible by time slots, for a few hours.
The challenge is to offer safe access, without queuing, where people can swim and relax without risk of overflow and without frustration.
Validation tick, check
Instant online booking
Validation tick, check
On-site access control
Validation tick, check
Intelligent functions

The media are talking about it!

A beach or swimming pool accessible in all safety
? All publics are concerned!

For safe swimming or
the beach.

It is difficult to imagine swimming pools or beaches that are 100% closed or 100% open... By offering to reserve your "time slot", you offer your regulars a "100% Safe" perimeter, frequented by a limited number of people, during a given time slot, where the safety and peace of mind of everyone is guaranteed by a controlled social density.

elloha is a French startup specialising in leisure and tourist accommodation reservations. In a few weeks, our teams have developed an application dedicated to beaches to help revive tourist destinations.

The solution to avoid all-or-nothing

And guarantee secure access to the beaches over a wide range of time slots for all your regulars (subscribers, tourists, etc.)
24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Several time slots per day, per pool and per beach and access reserved for certain audiences.
Let your customers know what you are doing for wheelchair accessibility
Immediate confirmation by email and text message. The possibility to have your ticket printed on the spot.
Optimise customer notifications with SMS
Access control via mobile phone to honour everyone's reservation.
Your customers can identify themselves easily and quickly without touching your platform with the qr code thanks to elloha
Access control via mobile phone to honour everyone's reservation.
An alert by sms 15 minutes before the end of your time slot to warn you and allow the arrival of the following groups.
Screenshot of your platform for the search of accessible beach for the customer with ellohaScreenshot of your platform for access to the beach with elloha
Contact our team for a demo
Multi-situation flow chart
#1 How to improve access to swimming pools
and beaches without queuing

Manage flows and regulate "peak" times

In order to avoid large-scale "shuffling", it is vital to offer "Direct-to-Water" access: with their mobile or paper reservation, your regulars and families arrive whenever they want during the time slot they have booked.
They pass through the access control in a few seconds and enjoy their bath in complete safety!

Relaxed man in front of his smartphone with his reservation thanks to your platform elloha
Relaxed man in front of his smartphone with his reservation thanks to your platform elloha
Woman swimming on her back, relaxed
#2 How to ensure a real relaxation"experience" ?
Parasol planted in the sand

Don't limit yourself to the "active range" only

By regulating the flow on your beach (with given capacities and times), you can offer a beach experience as usual: lounging on the sand, swimming, etc.
Unlike the "active beach "* concept, by regulating access, you can allow your beach users to stay as they wish and enjoy your beach to the full.

Home lying on a buoy floating in the water relaxed and happy
* Active beach" means only allowing sports and swimming but not
parking on a towel, chair or mattress; this significantly restricts
the on-site experience for your regulars.
Your customers can identify themselves easily and quickly without touching your platform with the qr code thanks to elloha
#3 How to ensure optimal density?

Control access and social density on
in real time.

Knowing how many people have entered your swimming pool or beach and for how long, you can guarantee optimal social density. Without pressure, without overflow, beach lovers can enjoy the beach in peace thanks to
access control on a simple smartphone.

Person lounging on a deckchair on the beach in front of a sunset
Relaxation area on the beach on the towel under the parasol
#4 How to satisfy all your regulars?
Booking calendar
Relaxation area on the beach on the towel under the parasol

Reserve slots for specific audiences

Elderly or vulnerable people (with reserved access early in the morning), disabled people, large families, morning sportsmen and women going swimming or surfing, etc... manage your time slots and access for your public according to the nature of your pool or the identity and history of your beaches.

Online booking gives you total flexibility.
You can change the configuration and capacities of your slots at any time, allowing more seniors, for example, or creating family slots, etc. Your slots can change configuration throughout the season and days.
Woman swimming on her back, relaxed
#5 How to reassure the most worried?
Young girl

Too complicated for
your coastline?

Too complicated to apply these measures on all your beaches? What if you implemented the system on only part of your beaches? By guaranteeing one or more "100% safe" beaches, you would be giving a serious guarantee of safety to your most worried or vulnerable customers.

Woman swimming on her back, relaxed

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